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Newborn Care
MidCoast Mamas
with Erin Kirkpatrick

Please join our postpartum support group to find the village you deserve! You will get to meet other new moms and find out that many of the struggles you may be experiencing are common and you are not alone. You will also get good ideas for coping. We vent, we celebrate, we cry, we encourage, we drink coffee and eat snacks! You can weigh your baby here and ask any questions at all to another mother or a nurse.
The group meets every Wednesday morning at 10:30am at MidCoast Hospital in Conference Room 1, right next to the cafeteria. If that room is not available, our back up location is the waiting room outside the Maternity unit. The group is led by our breast/bottle feeding specialists. Mothers will children 0-7 months are welcome.
Infant Care Basics
with Erin Kirkpatrick

In this 3 hour virtual course, we talk about how to care for your newborn when you bring them home, what to expect during the first few months, and how to be well prepared. Topics include:
- Sleep habits
- Laying a strong sleep foundation
- Bottle and formula feeding (separate breastfeeding class)
- Diapering & Digestion
- Soothing techniques
- Safety Guidelines
- Common ailments
- Postpartum Coping and Preparation
We recommend taking this between 30-35 weeks if possible. Only one parent needs to register, but all can attend. Please join us to build your confidence in caring for your newborn!
You will receive an email from the instructor with a zoom link 1 week prior to the scheduled class. Please check your spam/junk folder for emails from
Pumping Milk at Work
with Erin Kirkpatrick
This virtual session allows you to discuss how your feeding journey has gone so far and how you would like it to go moving forward. The topics include:
- Pump/flange education
- Setting up a pumping schedule at work
- Conversations to have with your childcare provider
- Bottle feeding
- Building up a milk stash
- Maintaining a milk supply
- Helpful products and resources
We recommend taking this session at least 5 weeks prior to returning to work if possible. Please email Erin Kirkpatrick at to schedule your session. Please check your junk/spam folder for emails from her.